Saturday, February 21, 2009

Bommer's are on the Defence


While the idea of taking away benefits for which workers had already paid was always outrageous, it especially outrageous at a time when these workers have just seen much of the wealth in their homes and their retirement savings disappear in the housing crash and the collapse of the stock market. Making matters even worse is that fact that Peterson's friends in the financial industry, along with many of the economists who would like to cut Social Security, were the primary culprits in this disaster story.

But, President Obama can quickly get us beyond this attempted heist to the benefit of both older workers and the economy. He can simply assure the baby boomers that he will not allow the Peter Petersons of the world attack their benefits.

In fact, he should assure the baby boom cohorts that their social security benefits are safer than having money in the banks (even the government insured ones) and that they can plan accordingly. This may not lead to a huge burst of new spending, but baby boomers will spend more confidently through time knowing that they can count on getting the benefits they have earned.

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